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復(fù)習(xí)緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風(fēng)輕襲,來跨考秋季集訓(xùn)營,幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>
1. Portfolio Management
BKM: Bodie, Kane and Marcus, Investments, McGraw-Hill, International 2008,7th edition
SAB: Sharpe, Alexander and Bailey, Investments, Prentice-Hall, 1999, 6th edition
SOLNIKM: Bruno Solnik and Mcleavey, International Investments, Addision-Wesley, 2004, 5th edition
GK: Grinold and Kahn, Portfolio Management, Probus Publishing, Chicago,Cambridge (U.K.)
2. Equity Valuation and Analysis
SAB: Sharpe, Alexander and Bailey, Investments, Prentice-Hall, 1999, 6th edition
BMA: Brealey and Meyers Allen, Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill,International 2006, 8th edition
BKM: Bodie, Kane and Marcus, Investment, McGraw-Hill, International 2008,8th edition
SOLNIKM: Solnik and Mcleavey, International Investment, Addision-Wesley,International 2004, 4th edition
3. Bond Valuation and Analysis
SAB: Sharpe, Alexander and Bailey, Investment, Prentice-Hall, 1999, 6th edition
BKM: Bodie, Kane and Marcus, Investments, McGraw-Hill, International, 2008,7th edition
FAB: Fabozzi Frank, J., Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies, Prentice-Hall,International 2007 6th edition
HULL(f): Hull, Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, Prentice-Hall, 200,6th edition Exam Guide
HULL Hull, Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, Prentice-Hall, International,2006, 6th edition
FEL: Felsenheimer, Jochen, Gisdakis, Philip and Zaiser, Michael, Active Credit& Portfolio Management, A practical guide to credit risk management strategies, Wiley, 2006
4. Derivative Valuation and Analysis
HULL(f): Hull, J., Funamentals for Futures and Options Markets, Prentice-Hall,International 2008, 6th edition
SAB: Sharpe, Alexander and Bailey, Investments, Prentice-Hall, 1999, 6th edition
BKM: Bodie, Kane and Marcus, Investments, McGraw-Hill, International 2008,7th edition
FAB: Fabozzi Frank, J., Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies, Prentice-Hall,2007, 6th edition
ESM: Eiteman, Stonehil and Moffett, Multinational Business Finance, Addison-Wesley, International 2007, 11th edition
HULL Hull, J. , Options, Futures & Other Derivatives, Prentice-Hall,International, 2006, 6th edition
5. Corporate Finance
BMA: Brealey and Meyers and Allen, Principle of Corporate Finance,McGraw-Hill, International 2006, 6th edition
ESM: Eiteman, Stonehil and Moffett, Multinational Business Finance,Addison-Wesley, International 2007, 11th edition
6. Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
WSF: White, Sondhi and Fried, The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1994
ESM: Eiteman, Stonehil and Moffett, Multinational Business Finance, Addison-Wesley, 1995, 8th edition
REES: Bill Rees, Financial Analysis, Prentice-Hall, 1995,PENMAN Stephen, Financial statement analysis and security valuation, McGraw-Hill, international eition, 2001.
Alexander David, Anne Britton and Ann Jorissen,? International financial reporting and analysis, Thomson, 2005.
Palepu Krishna, Paul Healy and Victor Bernard, Business analysis and valuation using financial statements, Thomson Learning, 2nd edition,? 2000.
BENNINGA Simon and Oded SARIG, Corporate finance: A valuation approach, McGraw-Hill, 1997
7. Economics
KO: Krugman and Obstfeld, International Economics, Theory and Policy,Addison-Wesley, 2003, 6th edition
Mankiw: Mankiw, Macroeconomics, Worth Publishers, 2007, 6th edition
Blanchard: Blanchard, Macroeconomics, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, 4th edition
Dornbusch: Dornbusch, Fischer and Startz, Macroeconomics, McGraw-Hill, 2003, 9th edition
Further Readings
1. Portfolio Management
-? Elton, E. and Gruber, M., Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis,
New York, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1991
-? Margin, J.L., Tuttle, D. L. (ed)., Managing Investment Portfolios, Warren,Gortham & Lamont, 1990, 2nd edition
-? Farell, Portfolio Management, Theory and Applications, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition
-? Chopra & Ziembra, The effect of errors in means, variance and covariance on optimal portfolio choice, JPM, 1993
-? Fischer & Statman, The mean-variance optimization puzzle: security portfolios
and food portfolio, FAJ, 1997
-? Perold & Sharpe, Dynamic Strategies for Asset Allocation, FAJ, 1988
-? Odier & Solnik, Lessons for International Asset Allocation, FAJ, 1993
-? Jorion, Risk, Measuring the risk in value at risk, FAJ, 1996
-? Beckers, Manager Skill and Investment Performance: How strong is the link,JPM, Summer 1997
-? Kahn, R., What Practicioners need to know about backtesting, FAJ, 1990
2. Bond Valuation and Analysis
-? Douglas, L., Bond Risk Analysis, New York, Institute of Finance, 1990.
-? Elton, E. and M. Gruber, Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis,Wiley, 1991, chap. 18-20
-? Fabozzi, F. (ed)., Bond and Mortgage Markets, Probus, 1989
-? Fabozzi, F. (ed)., The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities, Irwin, 1991.
-? Joel Stem and Donald H Chew, Jr (eds), The Revolution in Corporate Finance, Blackwell, 1998
-? London, J. Modelling Derivatives Applications, FT Press, 2007
-? Neftci, Salih N. Principles of Financial Engineering, Elsevier Academic Press, 2004
-? Elton, Edwin J. Gruber, Martin J. Agrawal, Deepak and Mann, Christopher,Expaining the rate spread on corporate bonds, Journal of Finance, Feb 2001
-? Dynkin, Lev, Gould, Anthony, Hyman, Jay, Konstantinovsky, Vadim, Phelps
Bruce, Quantitative Management of Bond Portfolios, Princeton University Press,
-? Duffie, D. Singleton, Kenneth J. Credit Risk, Pricing, Meaurement and
Management, Princeton University Press, 2007
-? Deutsche Bundesbank(BUBA), Credit Default Swaps-Funktionen, Bedeutung
und Informationsgehalt, Monatsbericht, Dec 2004
-? Das, Sanjiv R., Hanouna, P. Credit Defaualt Swap Spreads, working paper,
Santa Clara University , California, 21 June 2006
-? Bank für internationalen Zahlungsverkehr (BIZ) Indextranchen von Credit
Default Swaps und die Bewertung von Kreditriskokorrelaionen, BIZ-Quartalsbericht, März 2005
3. Derivative Valuation and Analysis
-? Hull, J., Options, Futures and other Derivatives and Securities, 4th edition, 1997
-? Chriss, N., Block-Scholes and beyond; option pricing models, 1997
-? Rebonato, R., Interest-Rate Option Models, 1997
-? Galitz, L., Financial Engineering, 1995
-? Natenberg, S., Option Volatility and Pricing, 1994
4. Corportate Finance
-? Clifford W. Smith, Raising Capital: Theory and Evidence (in JS & DC)
-? Yakov Amihud and Haim Mendelson, Liquidity and Cost of Capital: Implication for Corporate Management (in JS & DC)
-? Barr Rosenberg and Andrew Rudd: The Corporate Uses of Beta (in JS & DC)
-? S.P. Kothari and Jay Shanken, In Defence of Beta (in JS & DC)
-? Stewart Myers, The Search for Optimal Capital Structure (in JS & DC)
-? Stewart Myers, Still Searching for Optimal Capital Structure (in JS & DC)
-? Merton Miller; The Modigliani Miller Propositions after Thirty Years
-? Randal Woolridge and Chinmoy Gosh, Dividend Cuts: Do They Always Signal Bad News?
-? Michael Jensen, The Takeover Controversy: Analysis and Evidence
-? Allen Michel, Israel Shaked, RJR: A Case Study of a Complex Leveraged Buyout, FAJ, September-October 1991
-? Mike Wright and Ken Robbie, Corporate Restructuring, Buy-outs and Managerial Equity, The European Dimension
-? Clifford Smith and D. Skyes Wilford, Managing Financial Risk
-? Philippe Jorion, Risk: Measuring the Risk in Value at Risk, FAJ, November/December, 1996
-? Joel Stem and Donald H Chew, Jr (eds), The Revolution in Corporate Finance, Blackwell, 1998
5. Analysis of Financial Reports and Accounts
-? Elliot and Elliot, Financial Accounting and Reporting, Prentice-Hall, 2nd
edition, 1996
-? Foster, Financial Statement Analysis, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 1986
6. Economics
-? Krugmann, Paul R. & Obstfeld, Maurice (1994), International Economics:Theory and Policy, 3rd edition, HarperCollins College Publishers (Scott,
Foresman & Co), New York
-? Samuelson, Nordhaus (1998), Economics, 16th edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, New York
-? Solnik, Bruno (1996), International Investment, 3rd edition, Addision-Wesley, Reading, MA



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