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最后更新时_2013-12-09 21:39:06
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  From the information given in the above column chart, we can see a striking contrast in mobile-phone subscriptions between developing and developed countries from 2000 to 2008. During this period, there has been a dramatic increase from 0.4 to 4 billion mobile phone subscriptions in developing countries, while that of developed countries remained steady under 1 billion during the decade.

  At least two fundamental factors could contribute to this phenomenon. On the one hand, with the rapid increase in economy happening in the developing countries, the telecommunication industry in those countries got a great bound to meet the demand of globalization. As a result, the user of mobile phone which can narrow the distance between people and link the whole world together rose at an incredible speed. On the other hand, the extremely advanced civilization of developed countries means less potential in many aspects including in the area of private telecommunication tools and their demand for further enlargement of such tools tend to saturation.

  In conclusion, while mobile phones subscriptions, if used carelessly or without restraint, could prove to be a double-edged sword, the fact remains that it is already extremely prevalent in both developing and developed countries and even today, continue rise in popularity. Given the levels of intelligence, prudence and discretion imbued in people, I am sure that most of them will be able to sidestep the potential drawbacks of mobile phones, while taking advantage of all its merits.

  参考译?/strong>Q根据上q柱状图所提供的信息,我们可以看出?000q到2008q_发展中国家和发达国家之间在手机入|方面存在着惊h的对比。在此期_发展中国家手机入|从4亿急速增长到40亿, 而发辑֛家的相关数据只是?0亿之下保持^E?








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U季集训 冲刺?/td> 9.10-12.20 168000 24800?/td> 班面授+专业??+专业译֮向辅?协议加强评(高定?+专属规划{疑(高定?+_化答?复试资源(高定?+复试译֌(高定?+复试指导(高定?+复试班主?v1服务(高定?+复试面授密训(高定?+复试1v1(高定?
2023集训畅学 非定向(政英?数政qQ?/td> 每月20?/td> 22800?协议? 13800?/td> 先行阶在U课E?基础阶在U课E?强化阶在U课E?真题阶在U课E?冲刺阶在U课E?专业NҎ(gu)一对一评+班主dE督学服?全程规划体系+全程试体系+全程_化答?择校择专业能力定位体p?全年关键环节指导体系+初试加强?初试专属服务+复试全科标准班服?/td>


