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  宿兵Q?a target="_blank">中国U学?/a>知识创新工程比较基因l学学科带头人; 中科院“百划”引qh才,理学博士Q研I员Q博士生导师Q中U院昆明动物研究所l胞(yu)与分子进化重点实验室MQQ美国辛辛那提大学助理教授;复旦大学生命U学院客座教授;从事灵长cL较基因组学及(qing)C人类h和迁徙的研究。已在《Science》、《Nature Reviews Genetics》、《PNAS》、《American Journal of Human Genetics》、《Human Molecular Genetics》和《Molecular Biology and Evolution》等国际核心(j)刊物上发表论?0余篇。曾获中国科学院自然U学奖一{奖Q?996Q;云南省自然科学一{奖Q?002Q?和教育部U技q步一{奖Q?003Q?/p>







  2. 人类和非人灵长类大脑快速进化基因的研究?/p>

  3. 东亚Cv源和史前q徙的研I?/p>






  Wang YQQ?Su B. 2004 Molecular evolution of microcephalinQ?a gene determining human brain size. Human Molecular Genetics Qin pressQ?/p>

  QianQ?YPQ?Jin LQ?Su B. 2004 Construction and characterization of bacterial artificial chromosome library of black-handed spider monkey QAteles geoffroyiQ?Genome 47Q?39-245.

  Xu HL.Q?Qian YP.Q?Nie WH.Q?Chi JX.Q?Yang FT.Q?Su B. 2004 ConstructionQ?characterization and chromosomal mapping of bacterial artificial chromosome QBACQ?library of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey QRhinopithecus bietiQ?Chromosome Research 12Q?51-262.

  LellQ?JT.Q?SukernikQ?RI.Q?StarikovskayaQ?YB.Q?Su B. et al. 2002 The dual origin and Siberian affinities of Native American Y chromosomes. American Journal of Human Genetics 70Q?92-206.

  Wells RSQ?Yuldasheva NYQ?Ruzibakiev RMQ?Underhill PAQ?Evseeva IQ?Blue-Smith JQ?Jin LQ?SuQ?B. et al. 2001 The Eurasian heartlandQA continental perspective on Y-chromosome diversity. PNAS 98Q?0244-10249.

  Ke YHQ?Su B.Qco-first authorQ?et al. 2001 No independent origin of modern humans in East AsiaQ?a tale of 12Q?00 Y chromosomes. Science 292Q?151-1153.

  Ramana GVQ?Su B et al. 2001 Y chromosome SNP haplotypes suggest evidence of gene flow among casteQ?tribeQ?and the migrant Siddi populations of Andhra PradeshQ?South India. Eur. J. Hum Genet. 9Q?95-700

  SuQ?B et al. 2001 Genetic diversity and population history in Red Panda QAilurus fulgensQ?as inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence variations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 18Q?070-1076.

  AkeyQ?J.M.QSosnoskiQ?D.QParraQ?E.QDiosQ?S.QHiesterQ?K.QSuQ?B. et al. 2001

  Melting Curve Analysis of SNPs QMcSNPQ:(x) A Gel-Free and Inexpensive Approach for SNP Genotyping. BioTechniques 30Q?58-367

  KeQ?YH.Q?SuQ?B et al. 2001 Y-chromosome haplotype distribution in Han Chinese populatiions and modern human origin in East Asians. Science in China QSeries CQ?44Q?25-232.

  KeQ?YH.Q?SuQ?B et al. 2001 Y-chromosome evidence for no independent origin of modern human in China. Chinese Science Bulletin 46Q?35-937.

  SuQ?B et al. 2000 Y chromosome haplotypes reveal prehistorical migrations to the Himalayas. Human Genetics 107Q?82-590

  SuQ?B et al. 2000 Distributions of three HIV-1 resistant polymorphisms QSDF1-3''AQ?CCR2-64IQ?and CCR5-Q?2Q?in Global Populations. European Journal of Human Genetics 8Q?39-945

  SuQ?B et al. 2000 Polynesian OriginsQ?New Insights from the Y-chromosome PNASQ?USA 97Q?225-8228

  Jin L and Su B. 2000 Natives or ImmgrantsQ?Modern human origin in East Asia. Nature Reviews Genetics 1Q?26-133.

  Qian YPQ?Qian BZQ?Su B. 2000 Multiple Origins of TibetanQ?Y Chromosome Evidences. Human Genetics 106Q?53-454

  PetersonQ?B.Q?SuQ?B et al.Q?2000 World population data for the HLA-DQA1QPM and D1S80 loci with least and most common profile frequencies for combinations of loci estimated following NRC II guidelines. Journal of Forensic Science. 45 Q?Q:(x)118-146

  SuQ?B et al. 1999 Y Chromosome evidence for a Northward Migration of Modern Humans into East Asia during the Last Ice Age. American Journal of Human Genetics 65Q?718-1724

  SuQ?B et al. 1999 Distribution of two HIV-1 polymorphisms QSDF1-3‘A and CCR2-64IQ?in East Asia and world populations and its implication in AIDS epidemiology. American Journal of Human Genetics 65Q?047-1053

  SuQ?B et al. 1999 Phylogenetic study of complete cytochrome b genes of musk deer Qgenus MoschusQ?using museum samples. Molecular Phylogentics and Evolution 12Q?41-249

  ChakrabortyQ?R.Q?StiversQ?DN. and SuQ?B et al.Q?1999 The utility of short tandem repeat loci beyond human identificationQ?Implications for development of new DNA typing systems. Electrophresis 20Q?682-1696

  SuQ?B et al. 1998 Frequency of an HIV-resistant allele is exceptionally high in New Guinea Highlanders. Journal of the American Medical AssociationQ?JAMA. 280Q?830


  ?sh)话Q?871Q?120202 Q实验室Q;0871Q?120212Q办公室Q?/p>

  EmailQsub@mail.kiz.ac.cn ?bing.su@uc.edu






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