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  W一节  作文写作文体

  文章文体一般分为叙q文QNarrationQ、议论文QArgumentationQ、说明文QExpositionQ和描写文(DescriptionQ。在实际写作中,q几U文体常怺叉用,相辅相成Q但M仍以一Uؓ(f)主,其他。跨?a href="http://www.ivlnzgm.cn/" target="_blank">考研认ؓ(f)对于考生来说Q了(jin)解一点作文考试常用的文体知识很有必要。从以往真题考研作文来看Q主要ؓ(f)议论文,出题形式常常是针Ҏ(gu)一事物或现象让考生提出自己的看法?br>  议论文(ArgumentationQ?/strong>
  作者对某一问题或事件直接间接地q行分析评论Q表明自q立场、观炏V态度、主张,q就是议论。它常常用于学术论文Q各U评论、短文、杂文、辩论等斚wQ应用广泛?br>  议论文的写作要注意三个要素:(x)1.提出论点Q?.l织论据Q进行论证;3.得出l论。常的论证方法包括夹议法、D例法、比较对照当、因果法、逻辑推量法(包括归纳法和演绎法)(j)。可以从正在Q也可以用反证进q行反驳。例如:(x)
  Example 1
  Television-the Wonder of Electronics
  论点   As an art, television brings theatre and other cultural events into home. Its influence on the life of average people is incalculable :it can influence their thoughts, their likes and.
  l织论据 dislikes, their speech, and even their dress. As an industry, TV provides.
  q行 jobs for hundreds of thousands who make TV sets and broadcasting equipment. It also provides work for actors, technicians, and others who put on programs, In addition, it can add to people’s store of knowledge. Education TV stations offer teaching in various subjects ranging from home nursing to art appreciation Through advertising, TV helps business and manufacturers sell their products to millions of persons.
  得出l论 So TV the modern wonder of electronics, not only bring the world into home in sight and sound, also bring some other benefits to people.
  Physical Exercise and Mental Advantage
  论点   Physical exercise develops will.
Nobody can succeed at anything if the does not put his will.
  以列举法 into it. A man, who wishes to lift 300 pounds, can
  l织论据 do it, if he has a strong will. Some long
  q行 distance runners win after practicing day after day, year after year . A great many athletes get good reputation through nothing but a strong will which helps them realize their goals.
  论点   Physical exercise develops judgment. There are many people who unable to make decision when
  以列举法 matters come to them. This is due to the fact that
  l织论据 their judgment is not sound. An expert runner knows
  q行 when he should run faster and when slower. A table tennis player can use different strategies to defeat his opponent.
  论点   Physical exercise develops self-confidence. Many persons do not trust themselves. As things come before
  以列举法 them, they usually hesitate, not knowing whether of not
  l织论据 they have the ability to perform them. So a great deal
  q行 of time is usually wasted and matters are left unattended. This is because these people have no self-confidence. An expert athlete believes that he has had great ability in a certain sport and that he can compete with others in that sport. He does not hesitate and try his best to win the championship.
  得出l论 Thus we see will, judgment and self-confidence can be developed by physical exercise.


  在一文章中Q各自然D,各句子都为文章的中心(j)思想服务Q各D落之间Q句子与句子之间存在着某种逻辑关系。文章段落之间的逻辑关系主要p渡词来完成,在修辞中UCؓ(f)启、承、{、合。“启”就是开头“承”是承接Q“{”是转折Q“合”是l合或ȝQ一文章与一D|章一样都有“启、承、{、合”关pR例?br>  Ways to Buy Things
  开头段(? In daily life, people need to buy thing and services. Some people to prefer pay money for what they need. Other people trade goods for what they need.
  Each of the two ways has its advantages.
  As we all know, money is a convenient means of exchange. First of all, it is easy to carry about, easy to transfer from one person to another, from one place to
  扩展D??another. When we go shopping we needn’t carry loads of
goods with us. Another advantage to paying money for the things people need is that
money enables people to measure correctly the values of all kinds of goods and services: tea, milk, salt, matches, furniture, dishes, cloth, automobiles, houses, the time and energy spent by a doctor or farmer or engineer on his work, the skill possessed by workers and specialists of different kinds. In addition, money can easily be stored in a safe place for use at some future time without loss in its value.
However, there are cases in which people have to trade goods for the things they need, For example, a person
  扩展D?? who needs something badly and happens to be penniless, what
should he do? A good solution for him is to trade the goods he has for the things he needs. For another example, a person needs something and its owner is reluctant to sell it unless he gets the thing he wants. In such case, the person has to trade goods for what he needs. In direct transaction of goods, the real value of the goods transacted is not measured in terms of money but by the buyer’s appreciation of the goods. The price of the goods is usually lower because no service or any other person is involved.
  l尾D??As for me, I prefer to pay money for the things I need,
because I have money and I have no goods to trade for other goods.
  (1)“启”,常用于引导文章开头的q度词有Q?br>It is often said that?br>Generally speaking?br>As the proverb says?br>It goes without saying that?br>It is clear/obvious that?br>Mary people often ask ?br>  (2)“承”,常用于第一q扩展段开渡词有:(x)
It is true that?br>Everybody know that?br>It can be easily proved that?br>No one can deny that?br>One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is?br>The chief reason why …is that ?br>We must recognize that?br>There is no doubt that?br>I am of the opinion that?br>This can expressed as follows?br>To take…for an example (instance) ?br>Therefore we should realize that ?br>We have reason to believe that?br>We know that?br>What is more serious is that?br>  (3)“{”,常用于第二个扩展D开头的q渡词有Q?br>Another special consideration in this case is that ?br>Besides, we should not neglect that?br>However, ?br>But the problem is not so simple, ?br>Therefore?br>But it is a pity that?br>On the other hand, ?br>I do not believe that?br>Perhaps you’ll ask why?br>This may be true, but we still have a problem with regard to?br>Though we are in basic agreement with ?br>The trouble seems that?br>Yet differences will be found, that’s why I feel that?br>So long as you regard this as reasonable, you many?br>  (4)“合”,常用l尾D늚q度词有Q?br>In a word, ?br>In sum, ?br>In conclusion, ?br>From this point of view, ?br>On account of this we can find that ?br>The result is dependent on ?br>Therefore, these findings reveal the following information?br>Thus, this is the reason why we must?br>  2.句子q接
  (1)“启?br>in the first place at present
currently it goes without saying that
lately first
first of all now
presently firstly
generally recently
in the beginning to begin with
to start with in general
  (2)“承?br>after a few days after a while
also at any arte
at the same time besides
by this time certainly
consequently for example
for instance for this purpose
from now on furthermore
in addition in addition to?br>in fact in other words
in particular in the same manner
incidentally indeed
meanwhile moreover
no doubt obviously
of course particularly
second secondly
similarly so
soon still
then third
thirdly truly
unlike?what is more
  (3)“{?br>after all all the same
anyway at the same time
but by this time
conversely despite?br>especially?fortunately
however in other words
in particular in spite of?
in the same way likewise
luckily nevertheless
no doubt not withstanding ?br>on the contrary on the other hand
otherwise perhaps?br>unfortunately unlike?br>whereas?yet
nonetheless as a matter of fact
  (4)“合?br>above all accordingly
as a consequence as a result
as has been noted as I have said
at last at length
by and large briefly
by doing so consequently
eventually finally
hence in brief
in conclusion in short
on the whole therefore
thus to speak frankly
to sum up to summarize
indeed surely
to conclude obviously
certainly truly


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U季集训 冲刺?/td> 9.10-12.20 168000 24800?/td> 班面授+专业??+专业译֮向辅?协议加强评(高定?+专属规划{疑(高定?+_化答?复试资源(高定?+复试译֌(高定?+复试指导(高定?+复试班主?v1服务(高定?+复试面授密训(高定?+复试1v1(高定?
2023集训畅学 非定向(政英?数政qQ?/td> 每月20?/td> 22800?协议? 13800?/td> 先行阶在U课E?基础阶在U课E?强化阶在U课E?真题阶在U课E?冲刺阶在U课E?专业NҎ(gu)一对一评+班主dE督学服?全程规划体系+全程试体系+全程_化答?择校择专业能力定位体p?全年关键环节指导体系+初试加强?初试专属服务+复试全科标准班服?/td>


