
最后更新時(shí)間:2010-09-20 06:53:59
輔導(dǎo)課程:暑期集訓(xùn) 在線咨詢
復(fù)習(xí)緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風(fēng)輕襲,來(lái)跨考秋季集訓(xùn)營(yíng),幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>

??????? Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams. Perhaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideal of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascination. But to be fascinated is also, sometimes, to be blind. Several giant dam projects threaten to do more harm than good.???????

  The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful. It doesn?t help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves. Egypt?s leadership in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam. Turkey?s bid for First World status includes the giant Ataturk Dam.??????

  But big dams tend not to work as intended. The Aswan Dam, for example stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods left - all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity.??????

  And yet, the myth of controlling the waters persists. This week, in the heart of civilized Europe, Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the Danube. The huge complex will probably have all the usual problems of big dams. But Slovakia is bidding for independence from the Czechs, and now needs a dam to prove itself.???

  Meanwhile, in India, the World Bank has given the go ahead to the even more wrong headed Narmada Dam. And the bank has done this even though its advisors say the dam will cause hardship for the powerless and environmental destruction. The benefits are for the powerful, but they are far from guaranteed???????

  Proper, scientific study of the impacts of dams and of the cost and benefits of controlling water can help to resolve these conflicts. Hydroelectric power and flood control and irrigation are possible without building monster dams. But when you are dealing with myths, it is hard to be either proper, or scientific. It is time that the world learned the lessons of Aswan. You don’t need a dam to be saved。


  在重大技術(shù)所創(chuàng)造的東西中,很少有能像大型水壩這樣能體現(xiàn)人的想象力的。或許是因?yàn)槿祟愰L(zhǎng)期遭受洪澇和干旱的襲擊,使得人類制服洪水的愿望更加令人興奮不已。但是令人著迷,有時(shí)也會(huì)使人盲目。有些巨型大壩的項(xiàng)目就有著弊大于利的危險(xiǎn)?! 〗ㄔ齑髩蔚慕逃?xùn)是:大的并不一定總是美的。但是這無(wú)法阻止想要修建高大雄偉的大壩來(lái)顯示那些力爭(zhēng)得到自我肯定的國(guó)家和人民當(dāng)作偉大成就的象征。埃及在阿拉伯世界的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位由建造阿斯旺大壩而鞏固。土耳其為了力爭(zhēng)成為世界一流的國(guó)家,也包括修建了巨大的阿塔特克大壩?! 〉谴髩尾](méi)有如預(yù)期的那樣發(fā)揮作用。例如阿斯旺大壩,它阻止了尼羅河洪水的泛濫,但也使得埃及失去了洪水離去后所留下的肥沃土壤——換回來(lái)的是一個(gè)疾病滋生的大水庫(kù)?,F(xiàn)在整個(gè)水庫(kù)填滿了淤泥,幾乎不能發(fā)電?! ∪欢刂扑牟磺袑?shí)際的想法仍在繼續(xù)。本周,在文明的歐洲中心,斯洛伐克人和匈牙利人為了多瑙河上的一處水壩引發(fā)爭(zhēng)端,幾乎差點(diǎn)動(dòng)用了軍隊(duì)。這個(gè)大型的工程可能會(huì)出現(xiàn)所有大壩上的常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題。但斯洛伐克正在力圖從捷克脫離而獨(dú)立,現(xiàn)在它需要建一個(gè)大壩來(lái)證明自己的實(shí)力?! ∨c此同時(shí),在印度,世界銀行已經(jīng)貸款來(lái)建造問(wèn)題繁多的納爾黙達(dá)大壩。盡管世界銀行的顧問(wèn)指出,該大壩將給百姓帶來(lái)苦難,并且也會(huì)破壞周邊的環(huán)境,但銀行已經(jīng)這樣實(shí)行了。這些利益歸有權(quán)勢(shì)者所有,但是這種利益也是沒(méi)有保障的?! ?duì)于水壩的影響以及水壩治水的成本和收益進(jìn)行正確而科學(xué)的研究,能夠有效地解決這些沖突。即使不興建大型水壩,水利發(fā)電、治理洪水以及灌溉也是可能的,不一定非得建大壩。但是當(dāng)你面對(duì)那些不切實(shí)際的神話時(shí),你就很難做到合理和科學(xué)了?,F(xiàn)在該是世界吸取阿斯旺大壩教訓(xùn)的時(shí)候了。我們未必非要通過(guò)大壩來(lái)拯救自己。


  assert?? vt. 主張, 堅(jiān)稱, 斷言

  例句:You must assert yourself or they will continue to bully you. 你必須維護(hù)自己的權(quán)利,否則他們還會(huì)欺負(fù)你。

  詞組:assert oneself 堅(jiān)持自己的權(quán)利; 表現(xiàn)自己的權(quán)威

  同義詞:affirm declare insist on pronounce state

  Advisor? n. 顧問(wèn), 勸告者, 指導(dǎo)教師

  例句:His amiability condemns him to being a constant advisor to other people's troubles. 他那和藹可親的性格使他成為經(jīng)常為他人排憂解難的開(kāi)導(dǎo)者。

  bidding?? n. 命令, 邀請(qǐng), 出價(jià)

  例句:He was bidding for popular support. 他在設(shè)法爭(zhēng)取大眾的支持。

  詞組:at one's bidding/ at sb.'s bidding? 依囑,遵命do one's bidding/ do sb.'s bidding 照……的命令做, 照……的話辦

  barely?? ad. 幾乎不

  例句:He has barely enough money to live on. 他的錢僅夠勉強(qiáng)維持生計(jì)。

  詞組:barely enough勉強(qiáng)夠be barely of age剛成年a barely furnished room陳設(shè)簡(jiǎn)陋的房間

  同義詞:hardly just scarcely

  capture?? n. 抓取, 戰(zhàn)利品, 捕獲之物vt. 抓取, 獲得, 迷住

  例句:They would offer a bounty of $100,000 for the capture of the murderer. 他們?cè)赋鍪f(wàn)元賞金捉拿兇手。

  同義詞:apprehend arrest imprison seize


  civilized?? a. 文明的, 有禮的

  例句:His new theory has caused a sensation throughout the civilized world. 他的新理論轟動(dòng)了整個(gè)文明世界。

  反義詞:barbarous; uncivilized; wild

  dam?? n. 水壩, 障礙vt. 控制, 筑壩vi. 控制, 筑壩

  例句:The mouth of the river is dammed and a freshwater lake created behind the dam. 河口筑起了攔河壩,壩后便形成了淡水湖。

  詞組:devil's dam 鬼婆娘(罵婦女的話)

  deprived?? a. 窮困的, 喪失了受良好教育權(quán)利的, 貧窮的

  例句:These misfortunes almost deprived him of his reason. 這些不幸的事情幾乎使他失去理智。

  詞組:deprived children失學(xué)的孩子們

  drought?? n. 干旱, 缺乏

  例句:Soon afterward drought set in. 不久之后又發(fā)生了干早。


  environmental? a. 周圍的, 環(huán)境的

  派生:environment n. 周圍環(huán)境. environmentalist n. 環(huán)境保護(hù)者

  例句:Living creatures must be adaptable to environmental change. 生物必須能適應(yīng)環(huán)境的變化。

  詞組:an environmental factor環(huán)境的因素

  fascination?? n. 令人著迷的事物, 入迷, 魅力

  例句:Old churches have a certain strange fascination for me. 舊教堂對(duì)我具有某種奇特的魅力。

  guarantee?? n. 擔(dān)保, 抵押品, 保證書(shū)vt. 保證, 擔(dān)保

  例句:Blue skies are not always a guarantee of fine weather. 蔚蘭的天空并不永遠(yuǎn)保證晴朗的天氣。

  詞組:stand guarantee for ... 替……擔(dān)任保證人

  同義詞:assure back certify endorse pledge promise secure sponsor stand for swear underwrite warrant


  hydroelectric?? a. 水力電氣的

  詞組:a hydroelectric power station水力發(fā)電站

  Imagination? n. 想像, 聽(tīng)覺(jué), 想像力

  例句:Dragons are creatures of Chinese fancy. 龍是中國(guó)人幻想出來(lái)的動(dòng)物。

  詞組:beyond(all) imagination (完全)出乎意料地draw on (one's) imagination 杜撰, 編造

  irrigation?? n. 灌溉, 沖洗

  例句:Public irrigation is the heart of cotton farming. 公共水利設(shè)施是棉花生產(chǎn)的命脈。

  詞組:an irrigation channel (canal) 灌溉渠bring the farmland under irrigation使農(nóng)田水利化

  myth? n. 神話, 虛構(gòu)的事, 虛構(gòu)的人

  例句:He was a myth that had been created out of desperation and poverty and despair. 他是從絕境、貧困和失望中創(chuàng)造出來(lái)的一個(gè)神話般的人物。

  meanwhile? n. 其時(shí), 其間ad. 同時(shí), 于此時(shí)

  例句:Meanwhile, two other actors had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees. 與此同時(shí),另外兩位演員把兩個(gè)盛著食物的大籃子拿到樹(shù)下蔭涼的地方。

  symbol?? n. 符號(hào), 象征, 代號(hào), 信條

  例句:The private car was still a cherished status symbol. 私人小汽車仍然是一種地位高貴的標(biāo)志。

  詞組:a chemical symbol化學(xué)符號(hào)

  status?? n. 狀態(tài), 情形, 地位, 要人身份

  例子:We celebrate our regained status as a sovereign and independent nation. 我們?yōu)橹匦氯〉昧酥鳈?quán)和獨(dú)立國(guó)家的地位而歡欣鼓舞。

  詞組:the status of affairs事態(tài), 形勢(shì)status nascendi (nascens) 初生態(tài)class status階級(jí)成分a status seeker想往上爬的人

  同義詞:class condition division grade position rank standing state station

  silt?? n. 淤泥vt. 使淤塞vi. 淤塞

  例句:The cadres were digging up river silt with the commune members. 干部同社員們一起在挖河泥。

  詞組:silt content/ the total volume of silt淤泥含量

  scientific?? a. 科學(xué)的, 系統(tǒng)的, 符合科學(xué)規(guī)律的

  例句:Scientific statistical figures are from Beijing scientific resources check 2000. 科學(xué)技術(shù)統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)字為2000年北京市科技資源清查數(shù)字。

  詞組:scientific experiment科學(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)scientific point of view科學(xué)觀點(diǎn)


  troop?? n. 軍隊(duì), 裝甲部隊(duì), 騎兵隊(duì), 部隊(duì)vi. 群集, 結(jié)隊(duì), 成群而行

  例句:There were troops of friends to see him off. 有很多友人為他送行。

  詞組:get one's troop 升任騎兵連長(zhǎng)household troops 王室禁衛(wèi)軍

  同義詞:band body bunch company crew crowd gang group mob party unit



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