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最后更新時間:2016-02-15 16:44:08
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Investment guru Warren Buffett is heading for hisworst year relative to the rest of the US stockmarket since 2009, with shares in his conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway down 11.5 per centwith two more trading days to go.

投資大師沃倫巴菲特(Warren Buffett)即將告別自2009年以來他相對于美國股市大盤表現(xiàn)最糟糕的一年,今年只剩下兩個交易日之際,他旗下的企業(yè)集團伯克希爾哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)今年股價下跌11.5%。

The underperformance comes in Mr Buffett’s golden anniversary year at the helm, when he toldinvestors for the first time that they should judge his record on Berkshire’s share price, ratherthan just the book value of the company — his preferred yardstick for decades.


Mr Buffett urged them to make that judgment based on the long term, rather than on a singleyear, reflecting investor Benjamin Graham’s view that the stock market may be a “weighingmachine” in the long run, but in the short term it is a “voting machine”.


But in 2015, the market has voted negatively on Berkshire’s prospects for weathering thedecline in commodities prices, according to Jim Shanahan, analyst at Edward Jones.

但是,據(jù)愛德華瓊斯(Edward Jones)分析師吉姆餠納漢(Jim Shanahan)表示,2015年期間,市場對伯克希爾駕馭大宗商品價格下降的前景投下了不信任票。

Although Berkshire has no oil and gas subsidiaries, its railway business transports oil, coal andagricultural products, and its manufacturing arm sells products to the shrinking oil industry. “They are impacted by the weak resources sector and commodity prices in general,” said MrShanahan.


Berkshire has also been hit by big declines in two of its largest stock market investments:American Express, down 25 per cent this year, and IBM, down 13 per cent.

伯克希爾公司還受到兩大重倉股大幅下跌的打擊:美國運通(American Express)今年下跌25%,而IBM今年下跌13%。

But net earnings rose 18 per cent to $18.6bn in the first nine months of the year, and bookvalue was up 3.3 per cent.


The fall in Berkshire shares comes against a 3 per cent return from the S&P 500, includingdividends. It is only the 11th negative year since Mr Buffett took control in 1965, and theworst underperformance relative to the S&P 500 since 2009.

伯克希爾股價下跌之際,標準普爾500指數(shù)(S&P 500)今年實現(xiàn)3%的回報率(包括股息)。這是自1965年巴菲特掌舵以來第11個股價下跌的年份,也是自2009年以來相對于標普500表現(xiàn)最糟糕的一年。



班型 定向班型 開班時間 高定班 標準班 課程介紹 咨詢
秋季集訓 沖刺班 9.10-12.20 168000 24800起 小班面授+專業(yè)課1對1+專業(yè)課定向輔導+協(xié)議加強課程(高定班)+專屬規(guī)劃答疑(高定班)+精細化答疑+復試資源(高定班)+復試課包(高定班)+復試指導(高定班)+復試班主任1v1服務(高定班)+復試面授密訓(高定班)+復試1v1(高定班)
2023集訓暢學 非定向(政英班/數(shù)政英班) 每月20日 22800起(協(xié)議班) 13800起 先行階在線課程+基礎階在線課程+強化階在線課程+真題階在線課程+沖刺階在線課程+專業(yè)課針對性一對一課程+班主任全程督學服務+全程規(guī)劃體系+全程測試體系+全程精細化答疑+擇校擇專業(yè)能力定位體系+全年關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié)指導體系+初試加強課+初試專屬服務+復試全科標準班服務


