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A political FUTbol

政治足球 智利稅改

Michelle Bachelet's struggle to combine equity andgrowth in Chile

Michelle Bachelet致力于在智利經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)的同時(shí)促進(jìn)公平

“CHILE has only one great enemy and it's called inequality,” declared Michelle Bachelet on March11th as she returned to La Moneda, the presidential palace, just four years after leaving it.Following an interlude of rule by the centre-right, Ms Bachelet won by a landslide in last year'spresidential election on the most left-wing programme the country has seen since the ill-fatedMarxist government of Salvador Allende more than 40 years ago. She argued that for all Chile'seconomic success of the past three decades, unless the state intervenes to foster a fairer andbetter-educated society, the country will moulder in what economists call “the middle-incometrap”, never making the leap to developed status.

3月11日,時(shí)隔四年重返拉莫內(nèi)達(dá)總統(tǒng)府的Michelle Bachelet表示“智利僅有的強(qiáng)勁對(duì)手叫不平等。”在經(jīng)歷了中右翼的統(tǒng)治之后,去年在這個(gè)被大多數(shù)左翼控制的國(guó)家,Bachelet以壓倒性的優(yōu)勢(shì)贏得總統(tǒng)選舉。該國(guó)的總統(tǒng)選舉從40多年前命途多舛的Salvador Allende馬克思主義政府統(tǒng)治結(jié)束之后開(kāi)始。她認(rèn)為盡管智利在過(guò)去三十年間在經(jīng)濟(jì)上取得了成功,但除非建立一個(gè)更公平教育普及率更高的社會(huì),否則國(guó)家將會(huì)陷入經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家所說(shuō)的“中等收入陷阱”,再也不會(huì)有飛躍性的發(fā)展。

Her campaign platform contained three big proposals. The first was an education reforminspired by the notion that the state should offer free and equal education to all. Second was anew constitution to replace the existing one, which, though much amended, dates back to thedictatorship of General Pinochet. And the third proposal was a tax reform aimed both atraising revenue to pay for the education reform and at making the tax system fairer.


Ms Bachelet is no mad populist. Chile is not Venezuela, nor even Argentina. In the humdrumreality of a Latin American liberal democracy, achieving the magical combination of greaterfairness and greater prosperity means marrying political imperatives with complextechnicalities.


The first test will be the tax-reform bill, which the president sent to Congress this week. Itaims to raise an extra $8.2 billion (or almost 3% of GDP). It contains some sensible measures,including fuel taxes and one on sugary drinks. It proposes a gradual rise in corporate-incometax from 20% to 25% and a corresponding reduction in the top rate of personal-income taxfrom 40% to 35%. Chile has an integrated tax system in which shareholders receive a creditfor corporate-tax payments; aligning the two rates more closely is intended to discourageindividuals from setting up shell companies.


The bill also abolishes a mechanism known as the Taxable Profits Fund (FUT), under whichshareholders do not pay tax on reinvested company profits. The FUT's detractors complain,correctly, that the system has been abused, via corporate credit cards and shell companies intax havens, to allow the rich to evade taxes on profits that have actually been used forpersonal consumption—the skiing holidays and Ferraris of urban legend in Santiago. But theFUT's defenders point out, equally correctly, that the system has been a key factor behindChile's investment-led economic growth.


As compensation for abolishing the FUT, the bill allows instant depreciation of machinery andequipment. That may help miners and manufacturers, but not service businesses. Unless it isamended, the bill is likely to have two bad outcomes. Retained earnings are a big source offinancing for corporate investment in Chile: companies may now have to rely on moreborrowing, which for small firms costs up to 15% a year. Second, shareholders will now betaxed on profits they do not receive as dividends.


It would be remarkable if the tax changes did not prompt some reduction in investment andshare prices. The fact that the bill envisages ending the FUT only in 2018 suggests MsBachelet's economic team realises this. To make matters worse, Chile's economy is now slowingsharply in tandem with a falling copper price (this week's offshore earthquake, which killed atleast six people, seems to have spared local mines). More government spending could give theeconomy a boost, but not if it comes at the expense of private investment.


The new government could have chosen to close the loopholes in the FUT, rather than abolishit. That it didn't says much about the way politics is now conducted in Ms Bachelet's coalition,whose main parties governed Chile from 1990 to 2010. Abolishing the FUT was proposed by arival of Ms Bachelet's in last year's coalition primary election, and the policy was instantlyadopted by all the parties in the grouping. In the past party leaders would have heeded theirtechnical experts on such matters. In Chile's more populist political climate, that is no longerso.


The tax reform is simple compared with the government's plans for education. As for the taskof replacing the constitution, no wonder the president has kicked this issue forward until laterin the year. Ms Bachelet is right that Chile is in many ways an unfair country that needs tochange. But she will need all her considerable political skills if she is not to sacrifice soundpublic policy on the altar of populism.


1.struggle to 奮斗

例句:So when minorities fuss about ethnic issues,Dutch people often struggle to understand.


2.return to 返回

例句:She plans to return to Dublin to catch up withthe relatives she has not seen since she married.


3.offer to 提供給

例句:That same day, Silver Lake raised its offer to$ 12.70 per share.


4.date back to 追溯到

例句:The origins of chemical kinetics date back to the nineteenth century and Wilhelmy'sobservations of reaction rates.





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