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  After receiving a six-year prison sentence on July 31st, Sanjay Dutt, an Indian film star, begged for bail while he appealed against it. “Sir, I made a mistake,” he said. But the judge said no. Mr. Dutt's crime—to have procured two guns from Muslim mobsters who were responsible for bomb attacks in Mumbai in 1993—was serious. Yet he urged Mr. Dutt, 48, to return to the silver screen after serving his sentence. “Don't get perturbed,” he said. “You have many years to go and work, like the 'Mackenna's Gold' actor Gregory Peck.”

  Thus ended one of the longest song-and-dances in India's criminal legal history. Mr. Dutt was convicted last year, having already spent 16 months in jail. He was acquitted of direct involvement in the bombings, which killed 257 people. They were carried out in 1993 in revenge for the demolition of an ancient mosque in the Hindu holy city of Ayodhya by Hindu fanatics, and subsequent Hindu-Muslim rioting. Some 100 people have been found guilty of the bombing. They have all been sentenced in the past three months, including a dozen to death and 20 to life- imprisonment. But the alleged masterminds of the attacks are still at large. One of them, a Mumbai gangster called Dawood Ibrahim, is alleged by Indian officials to be linked to al-Qaeda and to be hiding in Pakistan.

  Despite the bleak immediate outlook, Mr. Dutt, who made his name playing tough-guy anti-heroes, is unlikely to find his career much damaged. The son of two of Bollywood's biggest stars, a Hindu-Muslim couple, he has garnered enormous sympathy for his suffering. Many Indians believe his claim that he wanted the guns to protect his family during the riots. Other Bollywood stars express support for Mr. Dutt as passionately as their Hollywood peers worry about global warming.

  Then again, Bollywood is rather shady. Gangsters and crooked politicians have long laundered ill-gotten money through film productions. Indeed Mr. Dutt was investigated over money-laundering allegations in 2001. Other recent Bollywood stars to grace the courts include Monica Bedi, an actress convicted of dealing in fake passports. Her accomplice was another Mumbai gangster, Abu Salem, who delivered the guns to Mr. Dutt, and is currently awaiting trial for his alleged part in the 1993 bombings.

  An even bigger Bollywood star, Salman Khan, is appealing against two prison sentences of five years and one year for poaching respectively an endangered antelope and two gazelles. A Bollywood film about the case has been scheduled. Mr. Khan has also had to battle a four-year-old charge that he recklessly drove his car over five people sleeping on a pavement in Mumbai, killing one of them.

  Bollywood's biggest star, Amitabh Bachchan, also known as “the Big B”, is, in contrast, venerated. Where Mr. Khan is vain and brash, he has a reputation for humility and Hindu piety. But even this has been imperilled of late by revelations that Mr. Bachchan and his film-star son, Abhishek, bought valuable plots of land reserved for farmers. They registered themselves thus after being allotted farmland by a former government of the state of Uttar Pradesh, led by the Samajwadi party. Mr. Bachchan is close to one of the party's leading lights, Amar Singh, a famed socialite. Mr. Bachchan's wife, Jaya, an actress, is now also a Samajwadi politician.

  1.The judge said no because _____

  [A] he believed Dutt was wronged and showed no sympathy.

  [B] he did not think Dutt had committed a crime.

  [C] he thought Dutt had committed a serious crime.

  [D] he thought Gregory Peck was Dutt’s good example.

  2. The comparison of Bollywood stars’ support for Dutt to Holleywood’s worries about global warming implies_____

  [A] Bollywood stars are more sympathetic than their Hollywood peers.

  [B] Bollywood stars express their support in a modest way.

  [C] Bollywood stars back up Dutt with strong support and full passion.

  [D] Bollywood stars are also concerned with environmental issues.

  3. The phrase “grace the courts” (Line 3, Paragraph 4) most probably means_____

  [A] present oneself in the courts.

  [B] appeal against the courts.

  [C] be sentenced by the courts.

  [D]show respect to the courts.

  4. Accroding to the passage, the following adjectives can be used to describe Mr. Khan except_____

  [A] venerated.

  [B] vain and brash.

  [C] reckless and mindless.

  [D] cruel.

  5. The best title of this passage can be _____

  [A] The Shady Bollywood.

  [B] Mr Dutt’s Legal History.

  [C] Shady Stars of Bollywood.

  [D] Bollywood or Bullywood.




  procure v.獲得, 取得 perturb v. 使非常煩惱

  demolition n.破壞, 毀壞 at large 不受控制的;逍遙法外的

  anti-hero n.平凡的角色 garner v.儲存

  peer n. 同輩, 同等的人 accomplice n.同謀者, 幫兇

  poach v. 偷獵 antelope n. 羚羊

  gazelle n. 瞪羚 venerate v. 崇敬

  socialite n. 社交名流

  bail n. 保釋


  (1) They were carried out in 1993 in revenge for the demolition of an ancient mosque in the Hindu holy city of Ayodhya by Hindu fanatics, and subsequent Hindu-Muslim rioting.

  [主體句式] They were carried out …

  [結構分析] 這是一個簡單句,具有比較復雜的狀語,有一個時間狀語,一個以in revenge for引導的目的狀語;在該目的狀語中,有兩個介詞賓語,the demolition 和rioting ;而在第一個賓語中,in the Hindu city of Ayodhya 和by Hindu fanatics都是用來修飾前面的the demolition的。


  (2) They registered themselves thus after being allotted farmland by a former government of the state of Uttar Pradesh, led by the Samajwadi party.

  [主體句式] They registered themselves…

  [結構分析] 這是一個簡單句,句子的狀語比較復雜。該狀語是一個時間狀語,狀語最后的成分led by …是一個過去分詞短語,作前面the state of Utar Pradesh的定語。

  [句子譯文] Samajwadi領導的前Uttar Pradesh州政府分配給他們這些土地后,他們就進行了注冊。


  1.The judge said no because _____1. 法官之所以說不是因為_____

  [A] he believed Dutt was not wronged and showed no sympathy.[A] 他認為Dutt沒有被冤枉,對他不表示絲毫同情。

  [B] he did not think Dutt had committed a crime.[B] 他認為Dutt沒有犯罪。

  [C] he thought Dutt had committed a serious crime.[C] 他認為Dutt 所犯罪行重大。

  [D] he thought Gregory Peck was Dutt’s good example.[D]他認為Gregory Peck是Dutt最好的榜樣。


  [難度系數] ☆☆☆☆


  2. The comparison of Bollywood stars’ support for Dutt to Holleywood’s worries about global warming implies_____2.將Bollywood明星們對Dutt的支持和Hollywood影星對全球變暖的憂慮相比較暗示了_____

  [A] Bollywood stars are more sympathetic than their Hollywood peers.[A] Bollywood明星要比其好萊塢的同行們更富有同情心。

  [B] Bollywood stars express their support in a modest way. [B]Bollywood明星們以一種溫和的方式表達他們的支持。

  [C] Bollywood stars back up Dutt with strong support and full passion.[C]Bollywood明星們強烈支持Dutt。

  [D] Bollywood stars are also concerned about environmental issues.[D]Bollywood明星們也很關心環(huán)境問題。

  [答案] B

  [難度系數] ☆☆☆

  [分析] 推理題。文章第三段主要講述了公眾對于Dutt的同情和支持,在提到Bollywood明星們對他的支持時,說他們表達對他的支持就好像好萊塢影星們表達對全球變暖的擔憂一樣。而好萊塢影星們對全球變暖的擔憂并不像科學家那么真切,大多數情況下只是一種態(tài)度的表示而已,可見Bollywood明星們對Dutt的支持也只是一種比較溫和的支持而已,因此,選項B為正確答案。

  3. The phrase “grace the courts” (Line 3, Paragraph 4) most probably means_____3. 短語“grace the courts”(第四段第三行)最有可能的意思是_____

  [A] present oneself in the courts.[A] 出現(xiàn)在法庭上。

  [B] appeal against the courts.[B] 向法院上訴。

  [C] be sentenced by the courts.[C] 被法庭判處刑罰。

  [D] show respect to the courts[D] 向法庭表示尊重。


  [難度系數] ☆


  4. Accroding to the passage, the following adjectives can be used to describe Mr. Khan except_____4.根據本文,除了_____之外以下的形容詞都可以

  用來形容Khan 先生

  [A] venerated.[A] 受崇敬的。

  [B] vain and brash.[B] 自負的、無禮的。。

  [C] reckless and mindless.[C] 魯莽的、愚笨無知的

  [D] cruel.[D] 殘忍的。


  [難度系數] ☆☆

  [分析]細節(jié)題。本文第五段和第六段有關于Khan先生的介紹,第五段介紹他因捕殺瀕臨滅絕的動物而被判處監(jiān)禁,他還曾魯莽地壓傷幾個在人行道上睡覺的人,這兩點可以說明他是殘忍的,也比較魯莽。而第六段提到他是為了和Bachchan作比較。文中提到,Where Mr. Khan is vain and brash, he has a reputation for humility and Hindu piety. 該句子是一個轉折句,主句中的he指的是Bachchan而不是Khan,因此,Khan是自負、無禮的,而Bachchan是謙遜的、虔誠的。因此,答案為A。

  5. The best title of this passage can be _____5. 文章最好的題目是_____

  [A] The Shady Bollywood.[A] 陰暗的Bollywood。

  [B] Mr Dutt’s Legal History.[B] Dutt先生的法律糾紛歷史。

  [C] Shady Stars of Bollywood.[C] Bollywood的問題影星。

  [D] Bollywood or Bullywood?[D] Bollywood還是Bullywood(注:bully為“欺凌弱小者”)


  [難度系數] ☆☆☆☆

  [分析] 主旨題。這篇文章由Khan先生的案例出發(fā),介紹了Bollywood一些明星觸犯法律的情況,選項B只是說明了文章介紹的一部分內容,不能作為題目;而A、C、D都可以作為題目,但是三個題目中D最為形象,是最好的題目。


  7月31日,印度影星Sanjay Dutt被判處六年監(jiān)禁,他提起上訴同時要求保釋?!跋壬?,我犯了個錯,”他這樣說。但法官說不行。Dutt先生的罪行比較嚴重,他從穆斯林匪徒那里拿到兩支槍,而這些匪徒是1993年Mumbai爆炸襲擊的主犯。不過,法官規(guī)勸48歲的Dutt先生服完行后重返銀屏?!皠e煩惱,”他說,“你前面的路還長著呢,就像 ‘Mackenna’s Gold’的演員Gregory Peck一樣?!?/p>

  這樣就結束了印度刑事法律歷史上最長的歌舞劇。去年Dutt被宣告有罪,已經在監(jiān)獄服刑16個月。他被赦免直接參與爆炸事件的罪名,這些爆炸事件炸死了257人。爆炸事件發(fā)生于1993年,是為了報復印度教狂熱教徒毀壞了印度圣城Ayodhya一座古老的清真寺以及隨后的印度—穆斯林暴亂。到目前已有100人因該爆炸事件被判有罪,并且已在過去三個月里進行了量刑,其中十幾個人被判處死刑,20個人終身監(jiān)禁。但是這些襲擊的所謂的策劃者仍然逍遙法外,印度官員斷言其中一個名叫Dawood Ibrahim的Mumbai歹徒與基地組織有關系,目前藏匿在巴基斯坦。


  不過,Bollywood卻是陰暗的。長時間以來許多匪徒和無恥的政客一直在通過電影業(yè)洗黑錢。實際上,2001年Dutt先生就因為洗錢受到過調查,其他在法庭出現(xiàn)的Bollywood明星還有Monica Bedi,她被控從事假護照交易。其同伙是另外一個Mumbai 匪徒叫Abu Salem, 就是此人將槍支交給Dutt先生,目前他因被指控參加了1993年的爆炸事件而在等待審判。


  相反,Bollywood 最著名的明星Amitabh Bachchan,一般人都稱“大B”,卻受到崇敬。Khan自負而又無禮,而他但卻因謙虛和印度教的虔誠而出名。但是目前有人揭發(fā)Bachchan先生和他的影星兒子Abhishek購買了本來預留給農民的寶貴土地,因此他們也處于危險境地。Samajwadi領導的前Uttar Pradesh州政府分配給他們這些土地后,他們就進行了注冊。Bachchan和該黨一位著名的領袖Amar Singh,一位前社交名流交往頗密。而Bachchan先生的演員妻子Jaya現(xiàn)在也是Samajwadi政治家。


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