
最后更新時(shí)間:2012-03-30 19:38:59
輔導(dǎo)課程:暑期集訓(xùn) 在線咨詢
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  When Catholic clergy or “pro-life” politicians argue that abortion laws should be tightened, they do so in the belief that this will reduce the number of terminations. Yet the largest global study of abortion ever undertaken casts doubt on that simple proposition. Restricting abortions, the study says, has little effect on the number of pregnancies terminated. Rather, it drives women to seek illegal, often unsafe backstreet abortions leading to an estimated 67,000 deaths a year. A further 5m women require hospital treatment as a result of botched procedures.

  In Africa and Asia, where abortion is generally either illegal or restricted, the abortion rate in 2003 (the latest year for which figures are available) was 29 per 1,000 women aged 15-44. This is almost identical to the rate in Europe—28—where legal abortions are widely available. Latin America, which has some of the world's most restrictive abortion laws, is the region with the highest abortion rate (31), while western Europe, which has some of the most liberal laws, has the lowest (12).

  The study, carried out by the Guttmacher Institute in New York in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and published in a British medical journal, the Lancet, found that most abortions occur in developing countries—35m a year, compared with just 7m in rich countries. But this was largely a reflection of population size. A woman's likelihood of having an abortion is similar whether she lives in a rich country (26 per 1,000) or a poor or middle-income one (29).

  Lest it be thought that these sweeping continental numbers hide as much as they reveal, the same point can be made by looking at those countries which have changed their laws. Between 1995 and 2005, 17 nations liberalised abortion legislation, while three tightened restrictions. The number of induced abortions nevertheless declined from nearly 46m in 1995 to 42m in 2003, resulting in a fall in the worldwide abortion rate from 35 to 29. The most dramatic drop—from 90 to 44—was in former communist Eastern Europe, where abortion is generally legal, safe and cheap. This coincided with a big increase in contraceptive use in the region which still has the world's highest abortion rate, with more terminations than live births.

  The risk of dying in a botched abortion is only part of a broader problem of maternal health in poor countries. Of all the inequalities of development, this is arguably the worst. According to a report published this week by Population Action International, a Washington-based lobby group, women in poor countries are 250 times more likely to die in pregnancy or childbirth than women in rich ones. (2)Of the 535,000 women who died in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications in 2005, 99% were in developing countries, according to another report by a group of UN agencies, including WHO, also out this week. Africa accounted for more than half such deaths.As the UN report noted, countries with the highest levels of maternal mortality have made the least progress towards reducing it. A woman in Africa has a one in 16 chance of dying in pregnancy or childbirth, compared with one in 3,800 for a woman in the rich world.

  1. The word “botched” (Line 5, Paragraph 1) most probably means_____

  [A] awkward.

  [B] wrong.

  [C] backward.

  [D] bungled

  2.The fact that the abortion rate in Africa and Asia in 2003 is almost identical to that in Europe implies that_____.

  [A] the abortion rate has nothing to do with a country’s national wealth.

  [B] the abortion rate has nothing to do with a country’s restricting measures on abortion.

  [C] the abortion rate cannot be lowered through the legal measures.

  [D] the abortion rate cannot be lowered by the implement of tightened abortion laws.

  3. The conclusion of the study can be proved by the following proofs offered in the passage except that _____

  [A] the abortion rate in countries with strict aboriton laws is higher than that of the counties with liberal laws.

  [B] there are much more abortions occuring in developing countries than in developed countries.

  [C] there was a dramatic drop in former communist Easter Europe between 1995 and 2005.

  [D] there was a big increase in contraceptive use in the region which still has the world’s highest abortion rate between 1995 and 2005.

  4. Women in poor countries are much more likely dying in childbirth or pregnancy than women in rich countires because of _____

  [A] botched procedures of abortion in poor countries.

  [B] inequalities of development between rich and poor countries.

  [C] ignorance of and little emphasis on the maternal health in poor countries.

  [D] strict abortion laws in poor countries.

  5. The passage is mainly about_____

  [A] a study on the aborition rate between developed and developing countries.

  [B] a study on the aborition laws in different countries.

  [C] a study on the general maternal health condition in different countries.

  [D] a study on the influence of the aboriton laws on the abortion rate.




  botch v. 做得拙劣 lest conj.以免, 免得

  sweeping adj. 范圍廣大的, 總括的; 籠統(tǒng)的 contraceptive n. 避孕用具


  (1) The study, carried out by the Guttmacher Institute in New York in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and published in a British medical journal, the Lancet, found that most abortions occur in developing countries—35m a year, compared with just 7m in rich countries.

  [主體句式] The study found that…

  [結(jié)構(gòu)分析]這是一個(gè)復(fù)合句,其主語(yǔ)的定語(yǔ)為兩個(gè)并列的分詞短語(yǔ):carried out by… 和published in…,而賓語(yǔ)從句中破折號(hào)后面的成分可以看作是補(bǔ)語(yǔ)。


  (2) Of the 535,000 women who died in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications in 2005, 99% were in developing countries, according to another report by a group of UN agencies, including WHO, also out this week.

  [主體句式] 99% were in developing country.

  [結(jié)構(gòu)分析] 這是一個(gè)復(fù)合句,由of構(gòu)成的介詞短語(yǔ)是句子主語(yǔ)的定語(yǔ),該介詞短語(yǔ)中有一個(gè)who引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句修飾名詞women;according to構(gòu)成的介詞短語(yǔ)是句子的狀語(yǔ),在該狀語(yǔ)中also out this week是report的補(bǔ)語(yǔ)。

  [句子譯文] 而根據(jù)本周聯(lián)合國(guó)機(jī)構(gòu)(包括世界衛(wèi)生組織)的一個(gè)組織的另外一個(gè)報(bào)道,2005年死于生產(chǎn)或懷孕相關(guān)并發(fā)癥的53萬(wàn)5千名婦女中,99%是在發(fā)展中國(guó)家。


  1. The word “botched” (Line 5, Paragraph 1) most probably means_____1.“botched”這個(gè)詞(第一段第六行)最有


  [A] awkward.[A] 笨拙的。

  [B] wrong.[B] 錯(cuò)誤的。

  [C] backward.[C] 落后的。

  [D] inferior.[D] 低劣的。


  [難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆


  2.The fact that the abortion rate in Africa and Asia in 2003 is almost identical to that in Europe implies that_____2.2003年非洲和亞洲的墮胎率幾乎和歐洲的相同,這個(gè)事實(shí)說(shuō)明_____

  [A] the abortion rate has nothing to do with a country’s national wealth.[A] 墮胎率和一個(gè)國(guó)家的富裕程度無(wú)關(guān)。

  [B] the abortion rate has nothing to do with a country’s restricting measures on abortion.[B]墮胎率和一個(gè)國(guó)家限制墮胎的措施無(wú)關(guān)。

  [C] the abortion rate cannot be lowered through the legal measures.[C] 通過(guò)法律措施不能降低墮胎率。

  [D] the abortion rate cannot be lowered by the implement of tightened abortion laws.[D] 實(shí)施嚴(yán)格的墮胎法律不能降低墮胎率。


  [難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆☆

  [分析]推理題。文章第二段指出,雖然亞洲和非洲在墮胎方面限制嚴(yán)格,歐洲墮胎合法,但墮胎率卻相同。下文又提到雖然拉美國(guó)家有最嚴(yán)厲的墮胎法,但墮胎率最高,而歐洲法律最寬松,墮胎率卻最低。再結(jié)合 第一段提到研究發(fā)現(xiàn)限制墮胎并不能降低墮胎數(shù)量,可以得出,題目中的這個(gè)事實(shí)也說(shuō)明了嚴(yán)格的墮胎法并不能有效降低墮胎率。

  3. The conclusion of the study can be proved by the following proofs offered in the passage except that _____3.下列選項(xiàng)除了_____都能證明研究得出的結(jié)論。

  [A] the aboriton rate in countries with strict aboriton laws is higher than that of the counties with liberal laws.[A]有嚴(yán)格限制墮胎法律的國(guó)家的墮胎率比實(shí)施寬松墮胎法律國(guó)家的高

  [B] there are much more abortions occuring in developing countries than in developed countries.[B] 發(fā)展中國(guó)家墮胎例數(shù)比發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家多

  [C] there was a dramatic drop in in former communist Easter Europe between 1995 and 2005.[C]1995到2005年期間,前共產(chǎn)主義東歐的墮胎率急劇降低。

  [D] there was a big increase in contraceptive use in the region which still has the world’s highest abortion rate between 1995 and 2005.[D] 從1995年到2005年期間避孕措施大幅度增加的國(guó)家而今仍擁有世界最高的墮胎率


  [難度系數(shù)] ☆☆

  [分析] 推理題。題干要求找出哪個(gè)論據(jù)不能證明本文中提到的研究得出的結(jié)論。首先由文章第一段得知該研究的結(jié)論是限制墮胎對(duì)降低終止懷孕數(shù)量影響頗微,而文章中心也是在論證限制墮胎并不能有效降低墮胎率。那么,選項(xiàng)A是文章第二段的論據(jù),可以說(shuō)明這一點(diǎn)。B在第四段中提到,但提到這一點(diǎn)主要是由于人口數(shù)量的原因,因此不能證明研究結(jié)論。C在第五段提到,世界整體放松對(duì)墮胎的法律限制引起了墮胎率的下降,特別是前社會(huì)主義東歐,這一點(diǎn)也可以說(shuō)明。D也在第四段提及,雖然墮胎措施加大,但效果卻相反,也可以證明。因此,只有B是不能證明該結(jié)論的。

  4. Women in poor countries are much more likely dying in childbirth or pregnancy than women in rich countires because of _____4. 相對(duì)富裕國(guó)家而言,貧窮國(guó)家的婦女死于生產(chǎn)或懷孕的可能性更大,這是因?yàn)開(kāi)____

  [A] botched procedures of abortion between rich and poor countries.[A] 貧窮國(guó)家低劣的墮胎手術(shù)程序。

  [B] inequalities of development in poor countries.[B] 貧窮國(guó)家發(fā)展的不平衡。

  [C] ignorance of and little emphasis on the maternal health in poor countries.[C] 貧窮國(guó)家對(duì)婦女健康問(wèn)題知之甚少且重視不足。

  [D] strict abortion laws in poor countries.[D] 貧窮國(guó)家實(shí)施嚴(yán)格的墮胎法律。


  [難度系數(shù)] ☆☆

  [分析] 細(xì)節(jié)題。題干提到的問(wèn)題在最后一段中提到,首先提到因低劣的墮胎而死的危險(xiǎn)只是貧窮國(guó)家婦女健康的一方面問(wèn)題而已,因此A選項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤。而該段進(jìn)一步指出,聯(lián)合國(guó)的一個(gè)報(bào)道發(fā)現(xiàn)孕產(chǎn)婦死亡率最高的國(guó)家為降低該死亡率進(jìn)行努力的進(jìn)展也最慢,因此主要原因就是這些國(guó)家不注重這方面問(wèn)題的解決。因此,選項(xiàng)C為正確答案。B選項(xiàng)顯然與原文無(wú)關(guān),而D選項(xiàng)與實(shí)際情況并不相符。

  5. The passage is mainly about_____5.這篇文章主要是關(guān)于____

  [A] a study on the aborition rate between developed and developing countries.[A] 對(duì)發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家和發(fā)展中國(guó)家不同墮胎率的研究。

  [B] a study on the aborition laws in different countries.[B] 對(duì)不同國(guó)家墮胎法律的研究。

  [C] a study on the general maternal health condition in different countries.[C] 對(duì)不同國(guó)家婦女健康總體情況的研究。

  [D] a study on the influence of the aboriton laws on the abortion rate.[D] 關(guān)于墮胎法對(duì)墮胎率影響的研究。


  [難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆

  [分析] 主旨題。這篇文章主要通過(guò)一個(gè)全球的研究說(shuō)明實(shí)施嚴(yán)格的墮胎法對(duì)降低墮胎并沒(méi)有作用,反而有相反的效果。因此,文章主要是關(guān)于墮胎法對(duì)墮胎率影響的研究,D為正確答案。文章的各個(gè)段落中也涉及到了其他三個(gè)選項(xiàng)的內(nèi)容,但都不是文章的主題,而是圍繞著主題分別展開(kāi)論述的。









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