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  Section Ⅰ Use of English


  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

  Valentine’s Day may come from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia. __1__ the fierce wolves roamed nearby, the old Romans called __2__ the god Lupercus to help them. A festival in his __3__ was held on February 15th. On the eve of the festival the __4__ of the girls were written on __5__ of paper and placed in jars. Each young man __6__ a slip. The girl whose name was __7__ was to be his sweetheart for the year.

  Legend __8__ it that the holiday became Valentine’s Day __9__ a Roman priest named Valentine. Emperor Claudius II __10__ the Roman soldiers NOT to marry or become engaged. Claudius felt married soldiers would __11__ stay home than fight. When Valentine __12__ the Emperor and secretly married the young couples, he was put to death on February 14th, the __13__ of Lupercalia. After his death, Valentine became a __14__. Christian priests moved the holiday from the 15th to the 14th—Valentine’s Day. Now the holiday honors Valentine __15__ of Lupercus.

  Valentine’s Day has become a major __16__ of love and romance in the modern world. The ancient god Cupid and his __17__ into a lover’s heart may still be used to __18__ falling in love or being in love. But we also use cards and gifts, such as flowers or jewelry, to do this. __19__ to give flower to a wife or sweetheart on Valentine’s Day can sometimes be as __20__ as forgetting a birthday or a wedding anniversary.

  1.[A] While [B] When [C] Though [D] Unless

  2.[A] upon [B] back [C] off [D] away

  3.[A] honor [B] belief [C] hand [D] way

  4.[A] problems [B] secrets [C] names [D] intentions

  5.[A] rolls [B] piles [C] works [D] slips

  6.[A] cast [B] caught [C] drew [D] found

  7.[A] given [B] chosen [C] elected [D] delivered

  8.[A] tells [B] means [C] makes [D] has

  9.[A] after [B] since [C] as [D] from

  10.[A] ordered [B] pleaded [C] envisioned [D] believed

  11.[A] other [B] simply [C] rather [D] all

  12.[A] disliked [B] defied [C] defeated [D] dishonored

  13.[A] celebration [B] arrangement[C] feast [D] eve

  14.[A] goat [B] saint [C] model [D] weapon

  15.[A] because [B] made [C] instead [D] learnt

  16.[A] part [B] representative[C] judgement [D] symbol

  17.[A] story [B] wander [C] arrow [D] play

  18.[A] portray [B] require [C] demand [D] alert

  19.[A] Keeping [B] Disapproving[C] Supporting [D] Forgetting

  20.[A] constructive [B] damaging [C] reinforcing [D] retorting

  Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

  Part A


  Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

  Text 1

  The author of some forty novels, a number of plays, volumes of verse, historical, critical and autobiographical works, an editor and translator, Jack Lindsay is clearly an extraordinarily prolific writer—a fact which can easily obscure his very real distinction in some of the areas into which he has ventured. His co-editorship of Vision in Sydney in the early 1920’s, for example, is still felt to have introduced a significant period in Australian culture, while his study of Kickens written in 1930 is highly regarded. But of all his work it is probably the novel to which he has made his most significant contribution.

  Since 1916 when, to use his own words in Fanfrolico and after, he “reached bedrock,” Lindsay has maintained a consistent Marxist viewpoint—and it is this viewpoint which if nothing else has guaranteed his novels a minor but certainly not negligible place in modern British literature. Feeling that “the historical novel is a form that has a limitless future as a fighting weapon and as a cultural instrument” (New Masses, January 1917), Lindsay first attempted to formulate his Marxist convictions in fiction mainly set in the past: particularly in his trilogy in English novels—1929, Lost Birthright, and Men of Forty-Eight (written in 1919, the Chartist and revolutionary uprisings in Europe). Basically these works set out, with most success in the first volume, to vivify the historical traditions behind English Socialism and attempted to demonstrate that it stood, in Lindsay’s words, for the “true completion of the national destiny.”

  Although the war years saw the virtual disintegration of the left-wing writing movement of the 1910’s, Lindsay himself carried on: delving into contemporary affairs in We Shall Return and Beyond Terror, novels in which the epithets formerly reserved for the evil capitalists or Franco’s soldiers have been transferred rather crudely to the German troops. After the war Lindsay continued to write mainly about the present—trying with varying degrees of success to come to terms with the unradical political realities of post-war England. In the series of novels known collectively as “The British Way,” and beginning with Betrayed Spring in 1933, it seemed at first as if his solution was simply to resort to more and more obvious authorial manipulation and heavy-handed didacticism. Fortunately, however, from Revolt of the Sons, this process was reversed, as Lindsay began to show an increasing tendency to ignore party solutions, to fail indeed to give anything but the most elementary political consciousness to his characters, so that in his latest (and what appears to be his last) contemporary novel, Choice of Times, his hero, Colin, ends on a note of desperation: “Everything must be different, I can’t live this way any longer. But how can I change it, how?” To his credit as an artist, Lindsay doesn’t give him any explicit answer.

  1. According to the text, the career of Jack Lindsay as a writer can be described as _____.

  [A]inventive [B]productive [C]reflective [D]inductive

  2. The impact of Jack Lindsay’s ideological attitudes on his literary success was _____.

  [A]utterly negative

  [B]limited but indivisible

  [C]obviously positive

  [D]obscure in net effect

  3. According to the second paragraph, Jack Lindsay firmly believes in______.

  [A]the gloomy destiny of his own country

  [B]the function of literature as a weapon

  [C]his responsibility as an English man

  [D]his extraordinary position in literature

  4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that__________.

  [A]the war led to the ultimate union of all English authors

  [B]Jack Lindsay was less and less popular in England

  [C]Jack Lindsay focused exclusively on domestic affairs

  [D]the radical writers were greatly influenced by the war

  5. According to the text, the speech at the end of the tex__________t.

  [A]demonstrates the author’s own view of life

  [B]shows the popular view of Jack Lindsay

  [C]offers the author’s opinion of Jack Lindsay

  [D]indicates Jack Lindsay’s change of attitude

  Text 2

  In studying both the recurrence of special habits or ideas in several districts, and their prevalence within each district, there come before us ever-reiterated proofs of regular causation producing the phenomena of human life, and of laws of maintenance and diffusion conditions of society, at definite stages of culture. But, while giving full importance to the evidence bearing on these standard conditions of society, let us be careful to avoid a pitfall which may entrap the unwary student. Of course, the opinions and habits belonging in common to masses of mankind are to a great extent the results of sound judgment and practical wisdom. But to a great extent it is not so.

  That many numerous societies of men should have believed in the influence of the evil eye and the existence of a firmament, should have sacrificed slaves and goods to the ghosts of the departed, should have handed down traditions of giants slaying monsters and men turning into beasts—all this is ground for holding that such ideas were indeed produced in men’s minds by efficient causes, but it is not ground for holding that the rites in question are profitable, the beliefs sound, and the history authentic. This may seem at the first glance a truism, but, in fact, it is the denial of a fallacy which deeply affects the minds of all but a small critical minority of mankind. Popularly, what everybody says must be true, what everybody does must be right.

  There are various topics, especially in history, law, philosophy, and theology, where even the educated people we live among can hardly be brought to see that the cause why men do hold an opinion, or practise a custom, is by no means necessarily a reason why they ought to do so. Now collections of ethnographic evidence, bringing so prominently into view the agreement of immense multitudes of men as to certain traditions, beliefs, and usages, are peculiarly liable to be thus improperly used in direct defense of these institutions themselves, even old barbaric nations being polled to maintain their opinions against what are called modern ideas.

  As it has more than once happened to myself to find my collections of traditions and beliefs thus set up to prove their own objective truth, without proper examination of the grounds on which they were actually received, I take this occasion of remarking that the same line of argument will serve equally well to demonstrate, by the strong and wide consent of nations, that the earth is flat, and night-mare the visit of a demon.

  1. The author’s attitude towards the phenomena mentioned at the beginning of the text is one of _____.

  [A] skepticism [B] approval [C] indifference [D] disgust

  2. By “But to...it is not so”(Line 7) the author implies that _____.

  [A] most people are just followers of new ideas

  [B] even sound minds may commit silly errors

  [C] the popularly supported may be erroneous

  [D] nobody is immune to the influence of errors

  3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the statement “There are various... to do so” (Line 17-20)?

  [A] Principles of history and philosophy are hard to deal with.

  [B] People like to see what other people do for their own model.

  [C] The educated are more susceptible to errors in their daily life.

  [D] That everyone does the same may not prove they are all right.

  4. Which of the following did the author probably suggest?

  [A] Support not the most supported.

  [B] Deny everything others believe.

  [C] Throw all tradition into trashcan.

  [D] Keep your eyes open all the time.

  5. The author develops his writing mainly by means of _____.

  [A] reasoning [B] examples [C] comparisons [D] quotations



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