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輔導(dǎo)課程:暑期集訓(xùn) 在線咨詢
復(fù)習(xí)緊張,焦頭爛額?逆風(fēng)輕襲,來跨考秋季集訓(xùn)營,幫你尋方法,定方案! 了解一下>>


  ???????????? 2013考研英語命題趨勢之寫作

  ???????????? 2013考研英語命題趨勢之翻譯



Section I ??Use of English

Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed laughter as “a bodily exercise precious to health.” But ---__1___some claims to the contrary, laughing probably has little influence on physical fitness. Laughter does __2___short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels, ___3_ heart rate and oxygen consumption. But because hard laughter is difficult to __4__, a good laugh is unlikely to have __5___ benefits the way, say, walking or jogging does.

__6__, instead of straining muscles to build them, as exercise does, laughter apparently accomplishes the __7__. Studies dating back to the 1930’s indicate that laughter__8___ muscles, decreasing muscle tone for up to 45 minutes after the laugh dies down.

Such bodily reaction might conceivably help _9__the effects of psychological stress. Anyway, the act of laughing probably does produce other types of ___10___ feedback, that improve an individual’s emotional state. __11____one classical theory of emotion, our feelings are partially rooted ____12___ physical reactions. It was argued at the end of the 19th century that humans do not cry ___13___they are sad but they become sad when the tears begin to flow.

Although sadness also ____14___ tears, evidence suggests that emotions can flow __15___ muscular responses. In an experiment published in 1988,social psychologist Fritz Strack of the University of würzburg in Germany asked volunteers to __16___ a pen either with their teeth---thereby creating an artificial smile --- or with their lips, which would produce a(n) __17___ expression. Those forced to exercise their smiling muscles ___18___ more exuberantly to funny cartons than did those whose mouths were contracted in a frown, ____19___ that expressions may influence emotions rather than just the other way around __20__ , the physical act of laughter could improve mood.

1[A]among?????? [B]except??????[C]despite?????? [D]like????????????? (語義邏輯)

2[A]reflect??????? [B]demand?? ?[C]indicate??????[D]produce?????? ???(語義辨析)

3[A]stabilizing??? [B]boosting???[C]impairing???[D]determining??? ???(語義搭配)

4[A]transmit????? ?[B]sustain?????[C]evaluate?????[D]observe??????? ???(語義辨析)

5[A]measurable?? [B]manageable??? [C]affordable???? [D]renewable?? (語義辨析)

6[A]In turn?????? [B]In fact??????? ?[C]In addition???? [D]In brief?????? (語義邏輯)

7[A]opposite???? [B]impossible????[C]average?????? ?[D]expected ?????(語義邏輯)

8[A]hardens????? [B]weakens?????? [C]tightens????? ?[D]relaxes ???????(語義搭配)

9[A]aggravate????[B]generate?????? [C]moderate???? ?[D]enhance ??????(語義搭配)

10[A]physical??? [B]mental??????? [C]subconscious? [D]internal?????? (語義邏輯)

11[A]Except for??[B]According to?? [C]Due to???????[D]As for??????? ?(語義辨析)

12[A]with??????? ?[B]on?????????? [C]in?????????? [D]at? ?????????????????(固定搭配)

13[A]unless????? ?[B]until????????? [C]if?????????? [D]because ????????????(語義邏輯)

14[A]exhausts??? [B]follows??????? [C]precedes???? [D]suppresses????? ??(語義辨析)

15[A]into??????? ??[B]from????????? [C]towards????? [D]beyond? ??????????(語義辨析)

16[A]fetch??????? ?[B]bite????????? [C]pick??????? [D]hold???????????????? (語義辨析)

17[A]disappointed ?[B]excited?????? [C]joyful?????? [D]indifferent????? ??(語義辨析)

18[A]adapted????? [B]catered?????? [C]turned?????? [D]reacted?????????? ??(語義辨析)

19[A]suggesting??? [B]requiring???? [C]mentioning?? [D]supposing?? ????(語義辨析)

20[A]Eventually??? [B]Consequently? [C]Similarly??? [D]Conversely? ???(語義邏輯)






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